Golden and Noble Works

“A wife too should regard her duties in the same light, as she suckles the child, rocks and bathes it, and cares for it in other ways; and as she busies herself with other duties and renders help and obedience to her husband. These are truly golden and noble works."
Martin Luther

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meet Beth

I’m Beth Mumme. I’m thoroughly enjoying getting to know each of you and your beautiful families. Thanks again, Aubri, for getting this site started!

I married Mark 20 years ago this summer and am currently a stay-at-home mom to our four children, Melinda (17), Cora (15), Emma (12), and William (10). This is our 11th year in the small farming town of Hardwick, MN in the SW corner of Minnesota, where Mark still serves his first and only call to Zion. We love country living since both of us grew up on farms – he in Southern MN and I in Northern IL. I’m in my 12th year of homeschooling, with the younger two at home and the older girls now in public high school.

Mark and I first met at Concordia, River Forest, but I graduated with a BS in Nursing from St. Francis in Peoria, IL. We started our lives together in Bloomington, IL, where Mark worked as a computer analyst for 7 years, and I as an RN at a hospital and nursing home for 2 years before becoming a stay-at-home mom. When we moved to Fort Wayne in 1996 we left much behind, but were also blessed to spend one year at the seminary with each of Mark’s brothers – Paul and David – both pastors and married to homeschooling wives. It was during those years at the seminary that my understanding of confessional Lutheran doctrine and appreciation for confessional Lutheran practice first took root (I grew up ALC). We arrived at the Fort with two children and left with four, eager to unpack and make Hardwick our “home”.

Things I love include:

Playing the piano (time slips by unnoticed when I have the opportunity)
Playing the violin (just started taking lessons last fall)
Cooking/baking (especially new recipes with Penzeys Spices)
Gardening (canning & freezing all summer long)
Singing (at church... and around home, when some word/phrase brings an old song to mind - which embarrasses the kids to no end!)
Reading (curled up in a cozy chair with my heating blanket... ahhh!)
Tent camping, walking our lab, & campfires in the backyard)
A mug of black coffee by day (and an occasional dark frothy beer by night)

Things I dream of doing someday (in no particular order):

Start a perennial flower bed (I see some beautiful flowers on some of your intros)
Learn to play the organ with foot pedals (I play occasionally for services)
Learn to swim (go snorkeling some day)
Learn to shoot shotgun (then I could hunt WITH my hubby and son... instead of just cleaning what they bring home)
Learn to fish (other than using a bamboo pole for suckers in a backyard creek)
Master our camera (the digital one with all those buttons)
Catch up on scrapbooking (this is a daunting task for me! I am SO unorganized...I don't even know where to begin)
Master the stick shift (so Mark will let me drive the '51 Ford pickup we're restoring)

And finally, some words to consider for our vocations as wife and mother: “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” (Teddy Roosevelt).

Lenten Reflection

This morning we again woke to freshly fallen snow. Winter has definitely outstayed its welcome if you ask me! But as we endure the lingering cold and slosh slosh of warming snow I can't help but think how fitting that during this season of Lent, while we contemplate our Lord’s suffering and long for the joy that Easter brings, we should have to wait for the joy and warmth that Spring brings as well.

So I thought I'd share some Lenten reflections from Starck's Prayer-Book.

"O Jesus, my Jesus, how great is Thy love, which Thou hast shown me by Thy bitter suffering! Thou dost surrender Thyself into the most shameful death and the most cruel suffering for me, an unrighteous person, a sinner, and a child of death.

Oh, how great is Thy unspeakable mercy! my sins are laid upon Thee, in order that Thy righteousness may be bestowed upon me.

O my Jesus, when my heart would mislead me into sins, I will remember the sufferings which Thou didst endure and the blood which Thous didst shed. When the world by its evil example would entice me to do as it is doing, I will place before my eyes Thy bleeding image at the scourging and at the cross.

In the terror of my sins I will flee into Thy wounds. When my conscience fills me with fear, I will take Thy blood as my ransom. Yea, in my dying hour I desire to know nothing but Thee, O Jesus. In that last hour, O Jesus, be Thou my Comfort, my Joy, my Consolation, my Defense. Amen."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I'm Reading: Kristi

Kristi writes:

I just finished reading the book Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. Todd’s son had a near-death experience and over the course of several years, the boy reveals things he saw, heard, and experienced while in heaven. The boy is able to share things that neither parent had given him as previous information. It’s an interesting read. Of course, there’s the regular decision theology woven into it. Thankfully, you’re not asked to make the altar call. I don’t know what this boy really saw. Throughout the book, the parents ask their son to look at various drawings and paintings of Jesus, wondering if that’s what Jesus looked like. In the end, there is one painting that captures who the boy says that Jesus looks like. After reading it, I do wonder what heaven really will look like.

Have you read the book? What do you think of it?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Request for Prayer

From Emily:

Please pray for a woman named Becky and her family in Japan. Becky is an American who moved to Japan around thirty years ago to do mission work. She married a Japanese man and they had three children, and they lived in or near Sendai. Of course, Sendai sustained some of the worst damage during the recent earthquake and tsunami, notably in the nuclear power plant located there. My friend asked me to pray for Becky and her family's health and physical safety, but then we discussed how few Japanese--including the rest of Becky's family--consider themselves Christian.

My husband read that less than one percent of the Japanese people are Christian. This grieves me particularly now, as they are suffering terribly in so many ways, and very likely most of them don't even have the Gospel to give them hope. I struggle to even know what words to pray in this, so taking a page from Pastor Irmer's book, I've included Psalm 13 here. While it's in the first person, I think we can pray on behalf of our fellow people in Japan using this.

Psalm 13 How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?

1How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul
and have sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

3Consider and answer me, O LORD my God;
light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death,
lest my enemy say, "I have prevailed over him,"
lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.

5But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD,
because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jenny's Extreme Home Makeover!

Jenny could really use some help here. Any ideas for her?

The pictures are of problem areas in my home. I hate them. With a passion. I get stressed just looking at them. I start to feel panic when I think of organizing them. Not good huh? I need some fresh eyes and new ideas. I can't afford a home organizer and I've looked at so many blogs my eyes are "bloggy!" I'll try to explain what I've got.
The pic with the coats is just that - where the coats and bags hang when the boys come home. This works. I don't feel a need to change this. But the wall files to the left are not what I had in mind! I wanted them to be used for school papers etc. that the boys bring home. Things I need to look at, things that need to go back to school. They toss anything and everything in there and stuff gets lost and forgotten. The white board above it recently replaced a smaller one. I use it for my menu planning. It works pretty well here although I wish it were actually IN the kitchen.

The book shelf houses my cookbooks and recipe binders, a recent move from a small cupboard in the kitchen. I like it ok. I can see the books much easier now. Each of the boys has a plastic box to keep junk in and when it's full they are to empty it. Works ok.

In the kitchen I have what is a perfect command central, but it is far from perfect for me. It collects everything as you can see.

I hate having the printer and the black boxy thing whose name escapes me right now on the counter, but I don't think I have any other choices. The files on the far right look great and I liked the idea of them, but I don't use them.

I welcome any ideas you have. Thank you!

Sruggling with Daily Prayer

Kathy F. writes:

God invites us daily to talk to Him, to hear His voice through liturgy and Scripture...but how in the world am I to find the time in the middle of laundry, cooking meals, feeding kids, homeschooling, running kids to soccer or music lessons, keeping the house just clean enough so that you can honestly say you have dusted in the last month....does God REALLY think I have an extra even 10 minutes to come to Him??
I have really been struggling with this lately, wanting to fit Daily Prayer in our homeschooling day. How should Daily Prayer look? Should it take place in church or can it happen in our living room? Do we need to be dressed in something other than our PJ's with our hair just so and teeth brushed? Is it really worth it if we are so rushed to get out the door that we are at each other’s last nerve as we arrive at the door?
Please ladies, share your thoughts with me?

Square Foot Gardening

Kathy F. writes:

Jenny and I are wanting to try this method for our gardens this year and I was wondering if there were any other gals who have successfully gardened that way. For those who have no idea what I am talking about, here is a link: Square Foot Gardening Foundation.

I bought the book and have been reading it and planning on the number of boxes and where I would put them. Even my husband has used my new endeavor as an excuse to buy a new power saw, after all "you want your boxes to be made right?"...timing is everything, isn't it?? But now, I am looking for tips and ideas so that this doesn't get added to my lists of "garden plans that flop!".

Pictures would be great too.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pressures to Serve

Thank you to Kathy F. for this question.

I have a question for you gals.

Do you feel pressure (either from your husband, or other congregation members) to be one of few Sunday School teachers because nobody else will step up to the plate?? Let me share my situation and why I am asking this question...

Right now we have about 15 kids spanning the age of 3 years old-8th grade in our SS. and because of the lack of volunteers for teachers, we have all of those ages divided into 2 classes. I teach the little ones and another lady teaches the older ones. It has been just the two of us for several years now. I am getting VERY tired of teaching and more importantly missing Bible Class week after week. With having 3 children IN Sunday School I feel a little compelled to teach...but all of the time???

Just recently one other mom has helped me teach the little kids on occasion, but on those weeks, I direct the bigger kid hand chime choir (this is the ONLY time I have to direct them and so I still miss Bible Class) My husband has said he would tell the congregation that if we don't get teachers, there won't be Sunday School...but honestly, that doesn't help me with my desire to attend Bible Class, because without Sunday School, I will have to take my kids home and then I will still miss Bible Class.

So is this something that you all face this a dilemma that you have...or am I being selfish in my desires. I give of my time in many ways other than teaching SS...I direct the adult and children choirs (3 total), direct the Children's Christmas Program, and I head up VBS. So what is it like in your congregations?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

I think it's a good thing to remember some of the saints that have gone before us and to teach our children about them. The saints we commemorate can be good examples of a godly life, preserving Christian truth during difficult times and how God was (and is) faithful to His children.

St. Patrick's Day is Thursday so this week at my house I've been talking to my girls about who St. Patrick was and how he taught the Irish about Jesus. I keep it very simple for my toddlers but did talk a bit about the Trinity, a simple topic no?

Here is a little more information about St. Patrick from

Patrick, Missionary to Ireland
Patrick is one of the best-known of the missionary saints. Born to a Christian family in Britain around the year 389, he was captured as a teenager by raiders, taken to Ireland, and forced to serve as a herdsman. After six years he escaped and found his way to a monastery community in France. Ordained a bishop in 432, he made his way back to Ireland, where he spent the rest of his long life spreading the Gospel and organizing Christian communities. He strongly defended the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in a time when it was not popular to do so. His literary legacy includes his autobiography, Confessio, and several prayers and hymns still used in the church today. Patrick died around the year 466.
I know the secular world loves to commemorate St. Patrick's Day as well and while some of that is quite fun (especially for those of us with Irish heritage) some of it is also quite well...secular. So in our home we will take the good and leave the bad.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some ideas I've come across to have fun with this saint's day. St. Patrick used shamrocks to "explain" the Trinity to the Irish people. The church uses many symbols for this mystery, so I don't mind displaying them around our house.

Shamrock Banner
Apple Stamp Shamrock
Trinity Shamrock and one here for older children
Felt Shamrocks

Last week my girls and I learned about St. Noah, the arc and God's rainbow. We continue talking about rainbows this week with St. Patrick's Day. The emphasis not so much on those little green elves and riches but on God's promise to us. Here are a few cute ideas for eating rainbows! Yum!

Fruit Rainbow
Rainbow Cupcake
Rainbow Pudding
Blarney Biscuits
Chocolate Chip Cranberry Scones
Green Popcorn

Shamrock Stew
Irish Stew
Lime Green Sherbet Drink
Shepherd's Pie

On Sat. March 19th the town of Wisner NE will be having their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and other events. Sorry, I couldn't find more information online. I don't know too much about it but have wanted to go. This year the weather just might hold out for it!

Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? If so what do you like to do?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Request for Prayer

Jon and I got a call from some friends whose daughter is married to military man. He spent a year in Afghanistan and came home a changed man. So much so, that he declared that one of them, himself or his wife, had to move out. Hence, a divorce was being made final on March 11.

Our friend, is asking for prayer for his daughter, as she goes through this process. Praise God that she has found a good and faithful, and supportive, church where she will remain a member. This, however, does not bring her closer in distance to her dad and her mom. I'm sure this will be hard on them as parents.

Thank you for your prayer support.
Jenny S.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet Jenny

Hi, I'm Jenny Sollberger. I live in Louisville, NE with my husband Jon and our 3 boys, Lukas (12) Joseph (8) and Nathan (6). We've been here in Louisville just over 2 years and we love it! Jon has had two very challenging calls previous to this one, the most recent of which resulted in quite a bit of mental, emotional and physical stress for our entire family. So, needless to say we are thankful to God each and every day for this call He granted to Jon, and to us.

This next paragraph started out as the story of how Jon and I met and ended up at Seminary. It got WAAAY too long! That's a whole other story, girls. Short version? We met at college. I got a degree in ElEd, he got a degree in Broadcast journalism. We lived in MN. Found an awesome church whose pastor put the idea of sem in Jon's head and off we went. (I left out all the good stuff though. Maybe one day I'll share it all!)

This is the first year I am home alone all day as Nate started Kindegarten last fall. Nope I don't homeschool. I considered it for quite a while, especially in our former call. But we have a wonderful school here which I love to support. And God gave me the vocation of a mother who does not homeschool, which I have come to accept as noble rather than guilt-ridden. Yep, this was a struggle for me for a while. Although I am beginning to feel in the minority, I tell ya! Any other PW's who do NOT homeschool out there?? Helloooo! Smile

So what do I do with all my free time? I enjoy it. I make myself available to help out in the boys's classrooms. I help with PTO activites. I scrapbook pictures and stamp cards, which I love and now have time to do it uninterrupted! This makes me happy. I love to cook and bake and search out new recipes. I also love trying them out on my family. Unfortunately the only ones who enjoy most of them are Jon and me. The boys are still in the hamburger/mac'n cheese/spaghetti/pizza/plain old baked chicken frame of mind.

I'm also looking forward to my first vegetable garden this spring/summer. Love to mess in the dirt in the warm sunshine. Love to go for walks. Love to camp. Love to play around with my camera. Love to hug my boys. Love to listen to music. Love to read Jane Austen (she's so funny!). Love to write. LOVE chocolate! Love to sing in church. Love entertaining friends on our back patio. Want to come over? My blender makes a mean margarita.

Oh and I LOVE Chocolate!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Praying the Litany Daily During Lent

Kristi wanted to share this post from Steadfast Lutherans with all of us.

From the post:

Pastor Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has extended a wonderful invitation and word of encouragement to us all: pray the Litany every day in Lent. I’d add to this, if you can, to do so on your knees.
This is a wonderful practice for any of you desiring to "add something" (verses "give up something" which is fine as well) during Lent. The post provides a history of the Litany and a printable version of it.

Good find Kristi! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Meet Kathy

Hi. My name is Kathy Feusse. I have grown up Lutheran all my life. My father was a Lutheran Minister, so I grew up a PK and now I am a PW. I am a 1990 graduate of Concordia Seward in the Elementary Education program. I taught school in Hamilton, Ohio and St. Louis, MO...which is where I met my great husband Dan. While he was going to Sem we were set up on a blind date...and, about 5 months later we were engaged and planning a June wedding ( June 29, 1996) just a few months before going to Vicarage to Arkansas.
And now nearly 15 years later, I can gladly say I have lived in Clearwater longer than I have lived in one place ever in my life...13 years!!!

God has blessed Dan and I with 3 wonderful children. Hannah age 10, Matthew age 9 and Nathan age 6. I have always stayed home with the kids, but in the fall of 2008, the Lord put the idea in our heads that Homeschooling would be right for our family, so in January 2009 we began our homeschooling journey and have loved nearly every minute of it.

In my "spare time" I love gardening and creating new and exciting flower gardens in my yard with my Master Gardener friend from church, I try to find time to scrapbook and love directing the adult and children's vocal and hand chime choirs at church. I enjoy baking and when my patience level is good, I love having my daughter join me. We just bought a camper last fall and as a family we are looking forward to using it in the spring and summer.

Thank you Aubri for getting this blog started. I am looking forward to learning more about you gals and hoping we can inspire each other to be the best we can in the vocations the Lord has put us in.

Meet Emily

What a gift to be a part of a group of women united through the privileged vocations of our husbands! I'm Emily Olson, wife of Jon and mommy to Paul and Samuel. We live in southwest Minnesota, where I'm learning every year that I actually (mostly!) like snow and cold!

I was raised by lifelong Lutheran parents in some not-so-Lutheran places. In retrospect, my fraternal twin sister, younger brother, and I probably benefitted from our Lutheran isolation by having to actually learn why we believed what we did and why, then, we attended the church we did. After babyhood in Illinois around a zillion Lutherans, my earliest memories of church were at a mission start in eastern Kentucky. We then attended a Baptist church, a Presbyterian church, and an ELCA church waaaaaay over the mountain pass into Virginia before moving north and finally living within close proximity to an LCMS congregation, which was such a blessing! Then we moved to central Ohio, where we grew in faith at a wonderful Lutheran church in Lancaster.

I went to Valpo (insert theological joke here) and graduated in 2004 with BAs in Music and English (insert lucrative job joke here). The best part about college was learning why Lutheranism encompasses the Gospel so clearly. The worst part was learning why Lutheranism encompasses the Gospel so clearly--by seeing how Christians, however well-intentioned, can horribly muck it up. But back to the best part--this included meeting Jon while I studied abroad in Cambridge for a semester and he was there studying for a year through CTS/the ELCE and Fitzwilliam College. People say never to talk about theology and politics on dates, but that's all we did on our first date, which lasted four hours. And I managed to pass the theological interview!

We were married in August 2004 and spent our first year on vicarage in Connecticut. It was fantastic! And we realized we would rather live in a small, Midwestern town than an hour from New York City. We then spent our last year at the Fort before Jon received the call to Our Saviour's in Pipestone in 2006. We are so blessed to be here! I graduated from South Dakota State in 2009 with an MA in English, teaching for a few years there and one at Southwest Minnesota State before our sons arrived. Paul was born in 2008 and Sam in 2010, and they are awesome! I love taking care of them, teaching them, singing to them (yes, even cleaning up the messes)! Yet I still struggle sometimes with feelings of inadequacy-- I'm not out in the world, using my collegiately-honed skills to better humanity (or to contribute to our income). I don't pray enough or read the Bible enough, especially for a PASTOR'S WIFE! But I take great comfort in knowing that God forgives my inadequacy and makes no mistakes. He puts us where He does, when He does, with whom and what we have, all to show us Himself.

From 2 Corinthians 12: "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

May God bless us all through Christ with contentment and strength--yes, even thankfulness for our weaknesses! I can't wait to meet more of you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meet Aubri

I'm Aubri Hale. I was not raised as a Lutheran but in the Baptist church. After a long journey with a 2 year stop in the Reformed Presbyterian Church I was finally brought to a proper understanding of the Gospel and sacraments that the Lutheran Church confesses. I'm so thankful for the gift of these truths and God's goodness in revealing them to me through the Holy Spirit and a wonderful Lutheran Pastor in Austin Tx where I grew up.

It was at that church that I also met my future husband, Philip Hale though I would not have imagined that at the time! It wasn't until his call service in May of 2007, which I JUST HAPPENED to attend since another friend of mine was graduating at the same time, that we got to know each other over a game of ping pong and I knew I'd found my husband at the ripe old age of 29! Phew!

After Philip's ordination and installation at St. Paul's Bancroft he proposed and we were married in October 2007. Very quickly I left home, moved from Austin to rural Nebraska, became a "pastor's wife" and nine months later I was blessed to become a mother. That was a wonderful and challenging year, I find that my life it still very much like that!

We have been blessed with three children and one due to arrive in September. In July of 2008 the Lord gave us Lily Ruth, in June of 2009 Clara Emeline and then in August of 2010 our first son, Gerhardt Titus. I stay at home full time with these rascals.

I used to have several hobbies such as scrapbooking, sewing and knitting. Now in my "spare time" I enjoy blogging here and about my family on our blog. Otherwise, my days are spent wiping spit-up off of every surface and material in our house, washing diapers, watching too many episodes of Wonder Pets, doing "crafts" with my girls, baking, trying to read a book and deciding what I'm gonna feed everyone next.

I love Tex-Mex, watching movies, eating ice cream (see above), a good book, a hot cup of coffee, and Fall. (Oh and I'll proudly declare that I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in History in 2002. Something I love to announce here in Nebraska! Hee hee.)

I'd say I'm living my dream but I think I always had a maid and a chef in those dreams....and I was NOT a pastor's wife! Yet I have found that I am so blessed to be given the gifts that I wanted but in the ways our Lord wanted me to have them.

Now introduce yourself! Email a bio and some pictures to me and I'll add it in a new post!

Meet Kristi

Thanks to Aubri for getting this blog started. I thought it might be helpful for all of us to introduce ourselves here. I’ll go first.

My name is Kristi L., and I have been a baptized child of Christ since 1972. I have been married to Jerome since 1998 and am privileged to be mom to Joanna, our eight-year-old daughter. I was blessed to use my elementary teaching degree for several years and loved participating in the various musical opportunities while at seminary.

Jerome’s first call was to Foster, and we have been here since that time. I am so glad to call this place home. Our town is really little, so it’s more like country life. In fact, there is a cornfield just behind the church. I guess you could say that I fit the stereotype of the pastor’s wife. (I’ll never understand why pastors’ wives are stereotyped.) I love to teach and contribute to the music of our church.
Jerome and I homeschool Joanna. We are enjoying the journey and re-learning our own education; it’s certainly an adventure for us. We also like having a labradoodle named Max. He brings a lot of laughter to our days.

I have quite a few hobbies – music, reading books, playing sports, making jewelry, playing games, and recently I’ve taken up quilting. I love to work in my kitchen and have friends over for a meal together.
We are currently in the process of adding onto our family through God’s gift of adoption. We are waiting for a child from China, as well as trying to adopt domestically. Throughout this time, I have learned the comfort of prayer, especially remembering that the Lord knows best for our family.

One of my favorite Bible verses is my confirmation verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, lest any man should boast.” If I ever had to select my favorite hymn, that would be nearly an impossible task. I breathe music.

I am excited to see this blog come to life. I hope we can share about ourselves and encourage one another.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Preparing for Lent

With Ash Wednesday just two days away I've been thinking about ways my family can observe the season of Lent. Though my children are 2 1/2 and under I still feel that it is very important to begin now some of the traditions I hope to continue as they grow older.

I have enjoyed following the new blog:

It is an excellent resource for ways to commemorate and celebrate days in our church calendar that very easily slip by unnoticed. (Please don't think I'm advocating that EVERY day in our calendar should be remembered, that's not really practical and I would never say they MUST be. I only think it can be good, useful and enjoyable at times to do so.)

So getting to my point. I think the author has supplied a great list (here) on ways to observe Lent this year with your family. I plan on using some of her suggestions.

I'd love to hear some of the ways you observe this season!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


After returning from our recent EVE Getaway I began to think about how nice it would be to have a place to continue what we started during our 24 hours together. (I've included the picture above to help identify who I am. If you're like me and better with faces than names, then hopefully that helps! I know there are 5 faces in that picture so I'll give you a hint, I'm not the cute chubby one or the noodley two year old, I don't have a beard and I'm older than 2 weeks old. Maybe that narrows it down.) With Kristi and Kassie's blessing I created this blog to help with that purpose.

This blog is dedicated to being a place where hopefully all of the following can happen:

Encourage one another in our vocations
Share a little about our lives
Share any prayer requests we have
Pass on good book recommendations, a good recipe, an easy craft idea
Promote a home business or a personal blog (mine is linked in the sidebar, A Bundle of Myrrh)
Offer tips on how to get pen marks off the wall (!)
Let everyone know about any upcoming special events that may interest the group

Guest posts are welcomed if any of you have a topic you would like to write about and share here.

This blog will of course only be a successful as WE make it! So PLEASE don't hesitate to contribute in any way you feel you can. Wondering how you can do that? Just send an email to Aubri, aubrih at gmail dot com, and I'll make sure it happens.

Thanks ladies and I look forward to hearing from you!