Golden and Noble Works

“A wife too should regard her duties in the same light, as she suckles the child, rocks and bathes it, and cares for it in other ways; and as she busies herself with other duties and renders help and obedience to her husband. These are truly golden and noble works."
Martin Luther

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bible Study Invitation

BethAnn writes:

Dear Pastors' Wives, 
I would like to extend an invitation for a monthly ladies bible study on biblical mothers. 
There are two different times:
1st evening bible study will be on Sept. 10th at 7:30 p.m. & 1st mid-morning bible study on Sept. 11th at 10:00 a.m. 
The first time we meet will be at Golgotha Lutheran in the Fellowship Hall in Wausa.  
To order a book for the Bible study you can email me at bethannsalinas at rocketmail dot com. The cost of the book is approximately $13. You are still welcome to join us without purchasing a book. You also do not have to make a commitment, but I think you will want to after the first lesson. 
So please join us as we learn, reflect, and study God’s Word together. This will be open to the community as well so invite your friends. I have not lined up caregivers yet so if you know of someone who would like to help please let me know. 
After the first study we will discuss meeting at other places, like Grand Junction in Creighton, The Bloomfield Bakery, & The Wausa CafĂ©, etc. 
Other Dates are as followed:  
Oct. 8th or 9th possibly two studies 
Nov. 12th or 13th 
Tentative Dec. 10th or 11th (we might skip the one study in December due to Advent)
Jan. 14th or 15th possibly two studies,
Feb. 11th or 12th  possibly two studies, March 11th or 12th,
April 8th or 9th, May 13th or 14th possibly two studies.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How's Your Mrs. Hyde?

Jenny writes:

I hope to get a discussion going as a follow up to my Mrs. Hyde post.

About a week ago, she reared her ugly head again and that really bothers me.  She is kept contained within my own head, and heart, but I need to give her a voice and this is the safest place to do so. 

The boys have been known to ask me, "Is daddy gone tonight AGAIN?"  And as one sets the table, it's not uncommon for him to ask me, "Will dad be home for supper tonight?"  I don't like hearing those questions.  I know they must be asked, but no matter how many Bible studies the people ask for, or how long they keep Pastor after the closing prayer, doesn't it eventually get to the point where I get to say, "NO MORE!" 

I am not looking for my problems to be solved. They are not terrible. Jon and I have many good discussions, so please, no worries there! I just want to see us share some experiences and ideas. Sound good?

What I'd like to hear about is how you ladies guard your families.  How do you guard your time together?  How do you guard your husbands' day off?  How do you impress upon your husbands the importance of time with family without sounding selfish, keeping in mind the importance of his calling?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Becoming what you eat! - From BethAnn

BethAnn writes:

I always used to get comments on how I looked. It was nice to be noticed for having a normal body weight. Also others also noticed that I didn’t overeat. I ate the correct portions. 
Well, that as all changed. I am now struggling with my weight. I am involved in a healthy eating program that sets goals to help me with my weight. I pray that I can reverse the damage I already caused my body. This issue has put more pressure on my back and hip. It seems to be a cycle….a never ending cycle. Maybe I need to transform my mind as well. 
And you would think that having numerous family medical issues as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure would motivate me, guess again. Lately, I have been praying for others and not myself because it feels selfish. I have been eating because the change of becoming a mother and staying at home has given a new unknown and stressful dimension of my vocation here on earth. 
Don’t get me wrong I have LOVED being a mother and staying at home and training my daughter in the way she shall go. I thought I could do it on my own. But I have failed miserably! I want to eat correctly again. I want to have the peace that passes my understanding rain in my heart. But I can’t do it without HIS guidance and forgiveness. But there is one last step which is even harder to meet or surpass - forgiving myself!
God's love and my smiles,

Image Sunny Breakfast Vladimir Volegov