Golden and Noble Works

“A wife too should regard her duties in the same light, as she suckles the child, rocks and bathes it, and cares for it in other ways; and as she busies herself with other duties and renders help and obedience to her husband. These are truly golden and noble works."
Martin Luther

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Baby, A Bath, and Dinner - Kristi L.

Kristi writes:

Lots of gifts are given at church.  Yesterday a baby was bathed in the waters of Holy Baptism.  I witnessed the sponsors confess the Lutheran faith into which this child was to be baptized.  I silently confessed my own sins and was given the comfort of the cleansing of my sins as the baby was given that same forgiveness.  The baptized child is now a member of the body of Christ.  I am joined to this child in the Christian faith.  I will pray for this child and encourage the parents as they teach their child the Christian faith.

Later in the service dinner was served.  The crucified and arisen Lord’s Body and Blood were eaten for the forgiveness of my sins.  This precious gift was given to me and my fellow believers at the table.  I shared in the wondrous blessings that are given freely by our loving God.

No need for dessert.  I’m cleansed, fed, and full.

Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis


  1. True "worship", receiving in faith God's precious gifts. Thank you Kristi for the reminder of what we're given in church!

  2. Aubri - The picture is exactly what right. Thanks for sharing that, too! God is the Giver, and we are the receivers. Thanks be to God!

  3. Thanks for always pointing me back to God. You are a true friend! Thanks again!

  4. Amidst the busy-ness that often overwhelms me in church lately, the woman who confessed to Jesus that "even dogs eat the crumbs from their Master's table" has really helped me remember that, even if I can't receive His good gifts the way I want to (that is, without interruption or distraction), He still comes! Right on, Kristi!
